Category Archives: Survival

If you’re an avid outdoor enthusiast, then you may have heard of the term “mountain money”. While traditional currency may be the norm in everyday life, out in the wilderness, mountain money takes on a whole new meaning. So, what exactly is mountain money? Well, it’s a tongue-in-cheek term that refers to toilet paper. Yes, you read that right. In the world of camping, hiking, and backpacking, toilet paper is a highly valuable commodity. And if you’re caught without it, you may find yourself in an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation and probably ripping off the sleeves of your shirt. But why is toilet paper so valuable in the great outdoors? Well, there are no restrooms or running water in the wilderness; when nature calls, you have to answer it in the wild. And when it comes to hygiene, toilet paper is a must-have item. But the value of mountain money…

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Gum drops and lollipops from here on out, right? No, probably not. What are we preparing for? What are you preparing for? Well, it may not be possible to prepare for every potential outcome, but it is possible to cover the basics: food, water, shelter, energy, security and community. Security has been on my mind lately. Yeah, I’ve got a few preps, but I could also be doing what Bill Burr said, “just gathering supplies for the toughest guy on the block”. So, what’s the plan? I have to admit, I roll my eyes a bit when I hear people say that’s what they have a gun for. I may have a gun, and if I did, that would be what it was for. However, let’s consider this scenario: Things have gotten pretty bad. The selection of food on the shelves is getting thin, and the price of that food…

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